Forum Rules

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  • #5612
    avatarAlien Octopus Studio
    • Flaming, Bashing, and Trolling
      Hate posts and personal attacks will not be tolerated. Treat others on these message boards as you would expect them to treat you. Posting topics specifically designed to provoke a negative response from someone (aka trolling) are also not permitted.
    • No Spamming
      Purposely spamming a message board with senseless, vacuous, or empty messages to gain a higher post count, or just to annoy others is not permitted. Commercial spamming and advertising are also not permitted. Double posting is allowed if by accident.
    • Impersonating Other Users / Accessing Another User(‘s) Account
      You may not impersonate another forum member or create an account specifically for the purpose of provoking other users. Also, accessing or using another user’s account or attempting to access another user’s account is strictly prohibited.
    • Piracy, and Warez
      Absolutely no warez. Linking or giving information about any site that distributes illegal software, or warez, seeking help to circumvent any copyright laws, or encouraging software or media piracy is grounds for an immediate ban.
    • Nudity
      Please remember that this board is a public forum. Children under the age of 18 may frequent this forum. Nudity or other inappropriate material is prohibited.
    • Copyrighted Material
      Forum users agree not to post any material that is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner(s) of said copyright, trademark or other proprietary right.
    • Report Button
      Please note that the report button is for reporting bad posts only. Please do not abuse this button to get attention to your thread/other threads, or trying to get faster support.
    • Requesting Support
      Before asking for support please review the sticky topics placed throughout the forums. If you question is not answered you may post a thread in the Support forum or submit a support ticket.
    • Profanity
      Use of profanity is strictly prohibited.
    • Cross-Posting
      Posting the same post in multiple forums is not allowed. Please limit your post to one forum.
    • Signatures
      Signatures may include your name, email address, website (if it complies with the other forum rules), and/or a quote. Please do not use excessive font sizes. All signatures must comply with the other applicable forum rules.


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